The question was 'Can we tend to take a illegal web site - No pages indexed in google, yahoo or live and might we tend to provides it life and PR rank?'

Well it took a pair of days for a illegal domain to enter the MSN Live and therefore the Google Indexes. currently that quick.

But however was it done Actually the web site is ready up as a tutorial on a way to succeed with SEO seach engine optimisation. it\'s a step by step society to soring within the SERPs ranking.

Just take a glance the least bit the free tools offered everywhere the net that much force the search engines to index you. Take a touch and follow the links on this web site, they take you to wonderful free optimisation tools. So here area unit the essential steps that got this domain re-indexed once being illegal.

20 Sept twenty07 -

 1. supplemental content- index.php | experiment.html | report.html | paid-directories.html

2. place along an editorial regarding the'Website Directory Submission Experiment'

3. Submit the article to, please if you're a member please then digg this story! Wait as long as I will to submit our article below to 640 Article Directories with Article Submitter. i would like this web site submission experiment webpage to be indexed by google first! this may secure that

is the original supply article and so we are going to not move into the googles suplimentals index. we tend to don't need google to assume AN articles web site that we tend to submitted to is that the article supply. make certain you get your articles into the large article directories!

4. still experience the online directory info, putting the positioning into eg.


    - Placed TARGET="BLANK" on all outgoing links I even have such a lot of outlinks to terribly respectable sources. it\'s good to stay folks

on your web site, thus allow them to read your instructed outgoing urls, however invariably leave your web site page open. I even placed

 Then I went ahead ANd placed up meta tags with an off beat title to the positioning We will hand submit YOUR web site to 2000 FREE DIRECTORIES for $200 United States that's solely

0c for a permant link inform to your website! Compare that with adwords | SEO computer programme optimisation is link building."

    and affixed it straight in because the meta description. I conjointly use this description across all directory web site submissions and acticle site submissions.