Find Data Entry Jobs in & around Pune you build a successful Career now! We are an Offshore Software Development specialist that combines the definite bottom-line benefits of Offshore Outsourcing with its recognized expertise in strategic global models that help it in providing reliable Outsourcing Software Development Solutions back office jobs in pune. We have been persistently endeavoring to provide end to end solutions to the Information Technology Industry. With our expertise developed through the profound experience we continue contributing in Training, Consulting and Software Development Services, to the clients globally.

Contact Details:

ü  Company Name: BIZCAT Solutions

ü  Website:

ü  Contact Person: Sonali Undale

ü  Email address:

ü  Mobile: +91 865 578 4605

A home based job available in Mumbai where you can take work for home. Our requirement is we need people for online or offline job. So we hiring that person who is interested back office jobs in pune. We have lot of work to do you can choose offline or online with time period at home. Online job work may be data entry, videos converting in text, Audio converting in text, internet work. Or offline work also available at home like we providing the kit for work you have to sending message with important information about few famous companies. 

1. Part time/full time

2. Offline /Online

3. Accuracy / Non Accuracy

Home based work is there-

Online / Offline CAPTCHA WORK

Copy pasting work

Email /SMS sending work

Manual typing work

Data editing work (with software)

Data editing and writing work (with computer)

Demo and Training Available

For more information contact @ 08446000588 /08446000577 / 09869677523

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