Browsing Archive: November, 2012

The fake doctors note are in every employees mind

Posted by kellyjoshef on Friday, November 30, 2012, In : Health n news 

You are not sick but you want free day for the urgent work or holiday then the best option for the employees is doctors excuse. You had a tight schedule or you are exhausting after some time then you need a break. If you will not take any break then your work will be spoiled and the most important thing that your body would be effected fake doctors note is not only for the employees in fact it is the best excuses for the student also. Students want break for the exams or they want to ...

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Use doctors note excuses very carefully

Posted by kellyjoshef on Thursday, November 29, 2012, In : Health n news 

To know about the fake doctors note and how you can use them enlighten this article and get the smarter way of fun without any tension. So use doctors note excuses very carefully and spend time with your family or friends without any tension of job. Students work hard during the examination time or involved in some activities then they need a break. Ethically they don’t take beak from their bosses or the school principal so they need to use doctors excuse.

Sometimes you have an urgen...

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Fake doctors note excuses to skip

Posted by kellyjoshef on Thursday, November 29, 2012, In : Health n news 

Today, everybody is busy in his professional life. In this busy schedule you can’t take any break for yourself, your family, your friends etc. Now the doctors excuse are in every employees mind. It is the best excuse for the employees, students or those people who are puzzled with his boss. Simply, human body need break after some time. In this world, everybody need a rest then who are working or attend a school. A medical excuse is the best excuse to skip the work without any fear o...

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