There are many jobs available in Hyderabad where you find lot of software developer or software programmer job. Another location is Pune Executive manager jobs available with effective salary.

A manager has many employees working under him. He needs to assign responsibilities to one and all. He also needs to check that the work is being carried out appropriately and on time. He also communicates with the regulars, to check if the requirements of the clients are being met. A bachelor's degree is a must when you apply for executive manager internet jobs in pune. In case of any failure, or if the project could not be completed on time, the manager is responsible. He has a lot of duties to take out.

Locality: Pimpri in Pune

Date Posted: 06-03-13

Position: Business Alliance Manager

Experience: 0.6 Yr to 5 Years.

Call me at: 8446925844 / 9270993163

Generate business related to company services from domestic market internet jobs in pune, Ready to work under pressure, Generate relevant leads using market survey and examine, produce RFP’s, Handle entire sales process, Need to have knowledge about software, websites and web designing, Ready to travel, Good communication, Presentation ability.

Advertisement and product packaging. Products shape and color is designation must be effective for presentation purpose. You have to design the graphics for presentation proof all the person and customer impressed of first look of your designing. Apply for the executive manager jobs in Pune attend interview with required skill. One more important information is software developer’s jobs in Hyderabad. To take more information about jobs please visit