An adult actress whose name is shanti dynamite she is an Indian decent was living in uk. Shanti dynamite Is 21 year old she is also a porn star. Shanti Dynamite was hosting in the united kindom channel show adult chat. After the success of porn star sunny leone all the director subhash malik see her to future popular actress. So he came item song of shanty in the movie chal doctor doctor khelein. This is a thriller movie and entertaining story. Shanty dynamite did not fear in any roll on the screen. She is hot women will blast in the Indian cinema just like sunny leone. Directors hope that she will be best for bollywood.

She has performed in the advertisement to aware the people from HIV AIDS in India. She has given knowledge of condom use why this is important how to save this virus to you. today all the people seeing her hot videos in the social networking site facebook, twitter, orkut, etc. most of the people share Shanti Dynamite nude pictures in the social networking site and then all the friends passing comments on it just like that he watch her erotic body she is so hot all different – different comments on her picture romantic comments or somebody’s seen her videos when she host the uk channel adult chat.

In the bollywood movies the success of porn star sunny leone new actress is Shanti Dynamite debut with movie chal doctor doctor khelein. Indian decent Shanti Dynamite is from United Kingdom. To know more please click