The firefighter challenge coins are of great significance membership in a squadron. The coin expresses the belonging and pride The fire department and Stations uses challenge coins or badges to strengthen the team spirit or to commemorate special event and occasions such as retirements, anniversaries or promotions. A firefighting has a rich history, which is reflected in the symbols on firefighter challenge coins , fireman badges and fire investigator patches. There are several courageous women and men – past and current - that protect the country. Countless numbers have lost their lives defending the country.

Those who receive these coins are courageous, dedicated to serving their country and committed to protecting the safety of the well as their fellow members. The coins received may contain anything that has a special meaning to the members of the group. They are also collected by others, not just for their value, but due to the unique styles and designs of the coins. The coins are given to enlisted members when they complete basic training. They are given to new officers when they finish their training school.

These badges and firefighter challenge coins are the best option to reward a fire man. In addition to the danger that is experienced by members of the fireman on regular tasks, the brave members that perform high-risk missions are rewarded for their contributions with these badges. Fireman always put their lives in danger every day to save and protect the lives others, sometimes they fall in the time of task. For these prideful task or work they are honored by the coins to make their work memorable and to motivate or encourage them. This bond completely usually extends to their personal life long after their service is completed.