To play better basketball or volleyball you need good vertical leap, must know how to jump higher and increase your vertical leap They go on too long and therefore do not imitate the leaping motion. The vertical jump is an explosive and fast movement and if your exercises do not meet those criteria you just won't get the results. For this reason jogging, high rep weight lifting and high rep plyos do not work because they simply do not improve the fast twitch muscles. Uncover the secret exercises that will show you how to jump higher and get free reviews of the vertical jump programs.

Remember this perfect-athletic power equals force, times and velocity. In other words to be explosive you need both speed and strength. Start playing better basketball by increasing your vertical today. Injury prevention is also one of the results of flexibility. If your muscles are stiff, chances are you will get injuries since some muscles need to overcompensate due to lack of flexibility of the other muscles. Furthermore, greater leverage and range of motion are also results of flexibility.

This is the secret that makes a good player from a bad one. It is confidence how do they get confident, they visualize. The instructions here at how to jump higher in basketball or volleyball is very helpful and vital. You will see the best results by restricting yourself to just a few exercises because you are saving your energy for the important ones. The three ideal would be dead lifts, bench presses and squats and if you cannot do one of these than pick a close variation of it. If your body is flexible, you could move your muscles freely and without any hindrance.